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COACHES NEEDED - If you are interested in coaching, please click here for the application form. Remember - coaching and managing count as your bond hours. Coaching Applications are due by April 1. All coaches, regardless of having coached in Neepawa before must resubmit for 2024. Completed forms can be emailed to Important notices for coaches will be posted here throughout the year. ​

























Please see important updates below re: Respect in Sport Certification for the 2024 Season and Beyond.

Sport Manitoba requires every coaching staff member (Head Coach, Assistant Coach, Manager) in the province to have a valid Respect in Sport Certificate within the last 5 years.

To ensure softball coaching staff members fulfill this requirement, Softball Manitoba is implementing the following:

· June 1st deadline for all registered staff (Coaches and Managers) to have RIS completed

· Leagues will be fined $50 per staff member who does not have RIS completed by June 1st. These staff members will also be removed from their rosters.

· The $50 fee is non-refundable. Those who miss the June 1st deadline will have until June 22nd to complete RIS and be added back to their roster.


- Respect in Sport expires every 5 years

- the above deadlines also apply for renewing expired certifications.

Staff members can check their certification status by logging into the RIS website.

- On your RIS profile, you must indicate 'Softball' as your sport. If you don't, we cannot confirm your certification.

To do this: log in to RIS website, click the 'Profile' tab, then under your Profile Information, click the 'Associations.' Check off Softball, then click Save.

- Also under Profile Information, please allow "Access to NCCP" and then enter your NCCP number. This allows your RIS certification to appear on your coach certification transcript on the Locker. If you forgot your NCCP number, click here to log in to the Locker using your email address.For more information on RIS, please visit our website here:​


REMINDER: diamonds MUST BE SCHEDULED ahead of time. Information on diamond and umpire scheduling will be provided in your coaching package

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